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“The Labor Movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress.”

– Martin Luther King Jr.

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The Teacher Appreciation Event at Chapman's Brewing Company in Electric Works was a big success: Special Guest Jennifer McCormick was a rock star, the food was delicious, and the teacher bands were  great - thanks to everyone who contributed to this special evening!
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 If the State Board of Education passes the IDOE's proposed changes to the high school diploma, Indiana's students won't meet the minimum college entrance requirements. Students may lose the chance to take World History, or learn a second language, or take classes in music or art since these courses will no longer be required. Instead, Indiana's students will be encouraged to work at jobs outside of school to meet graduation requirements. 




*This state link seems desgined to DISCOURAGE public input

ISTA Day of Action: March 5, 2024 

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St. Joe Central is always well-represented at the Statehouse when FWEA participates in an ISTA Day of Action. 

Left: Representative Heine met with teachers to talk about the Transition to Teaching legislation he sponsored this session.  

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Representative Kyle Miller stands with teachers from Allen County (added bonus:  his wife is a teacher in FWCS). 

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House Minority Leader Phil GiaQuinta 

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It's official! Jennifer McCormick is a candidate in Indiana's 2024 gubernatorial race! You can donate here or click on Jennifer's photo for details about her campaign and her goals for Indiana.



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Watch this video to learn how reinstating full bargaining rights for Indiana's teachers will help turn around the state's growing teacher shortage and make stronger, healthier, and more successful public schools for all Hoosier children: teacher working conditions are student learning conditions! 

Watch this video narrated by an FWEA member and outstanding elementary teacher - thanks, Jessica!

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